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Terms for subject Law (56626 entries)
racket et extorsion de fonds racketeering and extortion
racketteur blackmailer
racolage actif soliciting in the street
racolage de soldats pour l'armée recruiting men for the forces
racolage passif passive soliciting
racolage sur la voie publique soliciting in the street
radiation striking out
radiation removal from the register
radiation d'une affaire removal of a case from the register
radiation d'une hypothèque removal of a mortgage
radiation d'une inscription au registre foncier cancellation of an entry in the land register
radiation d'une inscription de licence cancellation of entry in respect of a licence
radiation de l'affaire du registre de la Cour remove the case from the Court Register
radiation de l'ancienneté d'une marque nationale cancellation of the seniority of a national mark
radiation de l'inscription d'une licence ou d'un autre droit cancellation of the registration of a licence or another right
radiation des hypothèques inscrites en garantie entry of satisfaction notices as regards the mortgages registered as security
radiation du barreau disbarment
radiation du rôle removal from the list
radiation du tableau de l'ordre disbarment
radiation judiciaire legal cancellation