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Terms for subject Life sciences (21958 entries)
Quinnat chinook salmon
Quinnat king salmon
Quinnat spring salmon
quote-part exigible liable to contribution
quotient d'encéphalisation encephalization quotient
quotient de Meyer Meyer ratio
quotient de Meyer N/S quotient
quotient N/S Meyer ratio
quotient N/S N/S quotient
quotient P/E P/E ratio
quotient P/E precipitation-evaporation ratio
quotient pluviométrique pluviometric quotient
quotient pluviothermique pluviothermic ratio
rabattement drawdown
rabattement downwash
rabattement d'équilibre equilibrium drawdown
rabattement de la nappe depression head
rabattement de la nappe drawdown
rabattement de nappe lowering of water table
rabattement spécifique élémentaire specific incremental drawdown