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Terms for subject Microsoft (19206 entries)
Kit de développement logiciel software development kit (A set of routines (usually in one or more libraries) designed to allow developers to more easily write programs for a given computer, operating system, or user interface)
Kit de développement logiciel SDK (A set of routines (usually in one or more libraries) designed to allow developers to more easily write programs for a given computer, operating system, or user interface)
Kit de développement logiciel software development kit (A set of routines (usually in one or more libraries) designed to allow developers to more easily write programs for a given computer, operating system, or user interface)
Kit de développement logiciel (SDK) Live Live SDK
Kit de développement logiciel Windows Windows Software Development Kit (The SDK for developing on Windows. Developers can confidently select and install this SDK for all Windows apps (both Window Store apps and desktop apps). The SDK is integrated with Visual Studio and also available as a separate download)
Kit de développement logiciel Windows pour les applications du Windows Store Windows Software Development Kit for Windows Store Apps
kit de licence sans disque medialess license kit
Kit de préinstallation OEM OEM Preinstallation Kit (A set of tools, documentation, and samples that enable OEMs to preinstall Windows efficiently on new computers according to the terms of the OEM Licensing Agreement)
Kit de préinstallation OEM (OPK) OPK OPK
kit de ressources toolkit
Kit de ressources pour application multilingue Multilingual App Toolkit
kit HCT HCT kit
kit mains libres hands-free kit
kit Microsoft Hardware Compatibility Test Hardware Compatibility Test kit (A collection of tests that verify hardware and device driver operations under a specific operating situation on Microsoft Windows operating systems. The tests exercise the combination of a device, a software driver, and an operating system under controlled conditions and verify that all components operate properly)
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La nature du jeu en ligne peut changer Online – Experience Can Change
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