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Terms for subject Welfare & Social Security (1116 entries)
handicap physique ou mental physical or mental impairment
hmong ou des hauts plateaux laotiens Hmong or Highland Laotian
hobbies hobbies
homicide felonious homicide
homicide intentionnel felonious and intentional homicide
homicide sans l'intention de tuer manslaughter
honoraires du médecin et d'autres factures médicales doctor's and other medical bills
hôpital participant participating hospital
hospitalisé hospitalized
hypothèque lien
identification de ceux qui ont faim identification of the hungry
immigrants amérasien amerasian immigrants
immobilier real estate
impayé delinquent (payments)
impôt sur le revenu income tax
impôts taxation
inapte incompetent
incompétence mentale mental incompetence
incompétent incompetent
incontestable undeniable