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Terms for subject Environment (19617 entries)
kaukoanalyysi remote sensing (1. The scientific detection, recognition, inventory and analysis of land and water area by the use of distant sensors or recording devices such as photography, thermal scanners, radar, etc. 2. Complex of techniques for the remote measure of electromagnetic energy emitted by objects)
kaukohavainnointimenetelmä long-path monitoring method
kaukohavainnointimenetelmä remote monitoring method
kaukokartoituskeskus remote sensing centre (Centre where remote sensing data are stored, handled and analyzed)
kaukokartoituskeskus remote sensing centre
kaukokulkeutuminen long-distance transport
kaukokulkeutuminen long-range transport
kaukokulkeutuminen long-range transportation
kaukokulkeutuvan saasteen rajoittaminen long-distance pollution
kaukolaina inter-library loan (The service provided by one library in which a second library's clients are temporarily allowed to use books and other printed materials belonging to the first library; and consequently the system providing rules and infrastructure for this service to a group of libraries)
kaukolämmitys district heating (The supply of heat, either in the form of steam or hot water, from a central source to a group of buildings)
kaukolämmitys teleheating (The supply of heat, either in the form of steam or hot water, from a central source to a group of buildings)
kaukolämmitys teleheating
kaukolämpölaitos district heating plant (Plant for heating all houses in a district; it consists of a large, efficient, centralized boiler plant or "waste" steam from a power station. The heat is distributed by means of low-pressure steam or high-temperature water to the consumers)
kaukoliikenne long-distance traffic (Traffic moving over extended areas, great distances and usually not subject to frequent stops)
kaukoliikenne long-distance traffic
kaukoliikenne long-distance transport
kaukoliikenne long-distance transport (The conveyance of materials or commodities over land, water or through air in which a great distance is covered)
kaukomittaus telemetry (The use of radio waves, telephone lines, etc., to transmit the readings of measuring instruments to a device on which the readings can be indicated or recorded)
kaukomittaustekniikka long path monitoring technique