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Terms for subject Environment (19617 entries)
ilma altistusreittinä air pathway
ilma, maaperä ja vesi environmental media
ilmahiukkanen airborne particle
ilmahuuhteluvaahdotus air sparging flotation
ilmailulainsäädäntö aviation law (International rules regulating air transportation)
ilmailulainsäädäntö aviation law
ilmaisin indicator (Something that provides an indication especially of trends)
ilmaisin sensor
ilmaisin, tunnistin detector
ilmakehä atmosphere (The gaseous envelope surrounding the Earth in a several kilometers-thick layer)
ilmakehää saastuttava toiminta atmospheric pollutant activity
ilmakehää tutkivat tieteet atmospheric sciences
ilmakehää tutkivat tieteet atmospheric science
ilmakehää tutkivat tieteet atmospheric science (The atmospheric sciences study the dynamics, physics and chemistry of atmospheric phenomena and processes, including the interactions of the atmosphere with soil physics, hydrology and oceanic circulation. The research focuses on the following areas: turbulence and convection, atmospheric radiation and remote sensing, aerosol and cloud physics and chemistry, planetary atmospheres, air-sea interactions, climate, and statistical meteorology)
ilmakehään vaikuttava aerosoli atmospheric aerosol
ilmakehään vaikuttava aerosoli atmospheric aerosol (Particulate matter suspended in the air. The particulate matter may be in the form of dusts, fumes, or mist. Aerosols in the atmosphere are the form in which pollutants such as smoke are dispersed)
ilmakehämalli atmospheric model (A simulation, pattern or plan designed to demonstrate the structure or workings of the atmosphere surrounding any object, including the Earth)
ilmakehän aerosoli atmospheric aerosol
ilmakehän aineosa atmospheric component (The Earth's atmosphere consists by volume of nitrogen (79,1%), oxygen (20,9%), carbon dioxide (about 0,03%) and traces of the noble gases (argon, krypton, xenon, helium) plus water vapour, traces of ammonia, organic matter, ozone, various salts and suspended solid particles)
ilmakehän fysikaaliset ilmiöt atmospheric physics (The study of the physical phenomena of the atmosphere)