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Terms for subject Environment (18232 entries)
myrkkyjen poistomenetelmä detoxification mechanism
myrkkyliskot beaded lizards
myrkkyliskot gila monster lizards
myrkkyoppi toxicology (A science that deals with poisons, their actions, their detection, and the treatment of the conditions they produce)
myrkkytarhakäärmeet front-fanged snakes
myrkkyvaikutus toxic effect (A result produced by the ingestion or contact of poisonous materials)
myrkkyvaikutus toxic effect
myrkyllinen aine environmentally harmful or toxic substance (A chemical or mixture that may present a risk or injury to health or the environment)
myrkyllinen jäte toxic waste
myrkyllinen jäte toxic waste (Refuse posing a significant hazard to the environment or to human health when improperly handled; includes carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic or phytotoxic wastes, or wastes harmful to aquatic species, or poisonous wastes)
myrkyllinen saaste toxic pollution
myrkyllinen saaste toxic pollution (Pollution by toxic substances that produce a harmful effect on living organisms by physical contact, ingestion, or inhalation)
myrkyllinen tuote toxic product
myrkyllinen tuote toxic product (Any product which can cause acute or chronic injury to the human body or which is suspected of being able to cause disease or injury under some conditions)
myrkyllisen jätteen kuvamerkki toxic waste pictogram
myrkylliset aineet (välitön myrkyllisyys) poisonous substances (acute)
myrkylliset aineet (jotka aiheuttavat kroonisia tai myöhemmin ilmeneviä vaikutuksia) toxic (delayed or chronic; substances or wastes)
myrkylliset ja vaaralliset jätteet toxic and dangerous waste
myrkyllisten aineiden antagonistinen eli toisiaan kumoava vaikutus antagonistic effect of toxic substances
myrkyllisten aineiden synerginen vaikutus synergistic effect of toxic substances