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Terms for subject Finances (15066 entries)
co-branding-kortti co-branded credit card
COB-viisumi COB visa
cocktail-swap cocktail swap
Commodity Channel-indeksi Commodity Channel Index
condor condor
condor condor spread
condor spread condor
Consensus Index of Bullish Market Opinion-indeksi Consensus Index of Bullish Market Opinion
convex convex
COPE-rahasto COPE Fund
COPE-rahasto Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution in European waters
cost of carry-malli carrying charge
cost of carry-malli carrying cost
cost of carry-malli cost of carry
Costa Rican colón Costa Rican colon
CPD-carnet customs clearance carnet
CRB-indeksi CRB index
CRB-indeksi Commodity Research Bureau index
CRD IV -paketti CRD IV
CRD IV -paketti CRD IV/CRR