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Terms for subject Environment (5703 entries)
firma firm (A commercial partnership of two or more persons, especially when incorporated)
fırtına storm (An atmospheric disturbance involving perturbations of the prevailing pressure and wind fields on scales ranging from tornadoes to extratropical cyclones; also the associated weather and the like)
fırtına hasarları storm damage (Storms may cause flooding and damage to crops; uproot trees; damage roofs and chimneys; break windows, leading to rain damage; overturn trucks; affect transportation, communication and energy supplies; delay building construction and destroy traditional landmarks. In their more violent form, storms may cause severe damage and loss of life)
fitopatoloji phytopathology (The study of plant diseases and their control)
fitoplankton phytoplankton (Planktonic plant life)
fitosaniter plant health care
fitosaniter ürün plant protection product (Any substance or mixture of substances which through physiological action protects the plants against parasites, fungi, virus, or other damaging factors)
fitosaniter ürün testleri testing of plant protection products (Tests performed to establish the effectiveness of pesticides under a wide variety of climatic and other environmental conditions; to assess the possible side effects on animals, plants and humans and to determine the persistence of pesticide residues in the environment)
fitososyoloji phytosociology (The study of vegetation, including the organization, interdependence, development, geographical distribution and classification of plant communities)
fitotoksite phytotoxicity
fiyat price (The amount of money paid per unit for a good or service)
fiyat politikası prices policy (The guiding procedure, philosophy, or course of action for decisions regarding the monetary rate or value for goods and services)
fizik physics (The study of those aspects of nature which can be understood in a fundamental way in terms of elementary principles and laws)
fizik bilimi physical science (The sciences concerned with nonliving matter, energy, and the physical properties of the universe, such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, and geology)
fiziko-kimyasal analiz physicochemical analysis (Analysis based on the physical changes associated with chemical reactions)
fiziko-kimyasal arıtma physicochemical treatment (Any processing of wastewater, toxic substances or other materials involving a combination of physical and chemical methods, such as physical processes including air-stripping or filtration and chemical processes including coagulation, chlorination or ozonation)
fiziko-kimyasal arıtma physicochemical purification (Used to concentrate waste brines and to remove solid organics and ammonia from aqueous solutions. Physical treatment consists of reverse osmosis, dialysis, electrodialysis, evaporation, carbon, adsorption, ammonia stripping, filtration, sedimentation, and flocculation. Chemical treatment consists of ion exchange, neutralization, oxidation, reduction, precipitation, and calcination)
fiziko-kimyasal proses physicochemical process (Processes involving changes in the physical properties and chemical structure of substances)
fiziksel arıtma physical treatment (Processes that separate components of a waste stream or change the physical form of the waste without altering the chemical structure of the constituent materials. Physical treatment techniques are often used to separate the materials within the waste stream so that they can be reused or detoxified by chemical or biological treatment or destroyed by high-temperature incineration)
fiziksel çevre physical environment (The material surroundings of a system, process or organism)