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Terms for subject Environment (5703 entries)
damıtma sanayi distilling industry (A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of alcoholic beverages made by a distillation process of vaporization and condensation, such as vodka, rum, whiskey and other related beverages)
damla sulama trickle irrigation (Method in which water drips to the soil from perforated tubes or emitters. This irrigation technology is water conserving compared to flooding, furrows, and sprinklers)
damlatmalı filtre trickling filter (A system of secondary sewage treatment which is similar to self-purification action of streams; it is more accurately a biological oxidizing bed; the effluent is placed on the stones in the bed and microorganisms present consume the solids as a food supply)
danışmanlık consultancy (The position or practice of a qualified person paid for advice or services)
darbe aleti impactor (Instrument which samples atmospheric suspensoids by impaction; such instruments consist of a housing which constrains the air flow past a sensitized sampling plate)
dava trial (A judicial examination and determination of issues between parties to action; whether they need issues of law or of fact. A judicial examination, in accordance with law of the land, of a cause, either civil or criminal, of the issues between the parties, whether of law or fact, before a court that has proper jurisdiction)
davranış behaviour (Any observable action or response of an organism, group or species to environmental factors)
davranış biçimleri behaviour pattern (A relatively uniform series of overt activities that can be observed with some regularity)
davranış bilimleri behavioural science (The study of the behaviour of organisms)
dayanıklı mallar durable goods (Goods which have a reasonably long life and which are not generally consumed in use: e.g. refrigerator)
dayanıklı yaşam biçimi resting form (resistant form of life, like spores, resting eggs, seeds; Resistant structure that allows the organism to survive adverse environmental conditions)
dayanıksız mallar non-durable goods (A good bought by consumers that tends to last for less than a year. Common examples are food and clothing. The notable thing about nondurable goods is that consumers tend to continue buying them regardless of the ups and downs of the business cycle)
debi flow (The forward continuous movement of a fluid through closed or open channels or conduits)
dedektör detector (A mechanical, electrical, or chemical device that automatically identifies and records or registers a stimulus, such as an environmental change in pressure or temperature, an electrical signal, or radiation from a radioactive material)
değer değişimi change in value
değerlendirme evaluation (No definition needed)
değerlendirme kriteri evaluation criterion (A standard, norm, value or measurement by which the quantity or quality of a process, object or person's work performance is ascertained through an analysis and judgment of the relevant information in context and in view of established goals, objectives and standards)
değerlendirme yöntemi evaluation method (No definition needed)
değerli ekosistem bileşenleri valued ecosystem component (An appraised, evaluated or estimated element or ingredient of a biological community and its non-living environmental surroundings)
değirmen mill (A building where grain is crushed into flour)