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Terms for subject Environment (5289 entries)
radyoaktif kontaminasyon radioactive contamination (Contamination of a substance, living organism or site caused by radioactive material)
radyoaktif maddeler radioactive substance (Any substance that contains one or more radionuclides of which the activity or the concentration cannot be disregarded as far as radiation protection is concerned)
radyoaktif serpinti radioactive fallout (The material that descends to the earth or water well beyond the site of a surface or subsurface nuclear explosion)
radyoaktivite radioactivity (The property possessed by some atomic nuclei of disintegrating spontaneously, with loss of energy through emission of a charged particle and/or gamma radiation)
radyoelement radioelement (An element that is naturally radioactive)
radyonükleid radionuclide (A nuclide that exhibits radioactivity)
rafinaj refining (The processing of raw material to remove impurities)
rafineri refinery (A factory for the purification of some crude material such as ore, sugar, oil, etc.)
raporlama süreci reporting process
raster raster (One of the two major types of internal data organization used in GIS. Raster systems superimpose a regular grid over the area of interest and associate each cell-or pixel, to use the image term- with one or more data records. The values associated with each grid cell may represent either real values or any scalar or nominal data values associated with the cell coordinates. Among the strengths of the raster method is its ability to accept data directly from remote sensing systems and to represent transitional information. Raster systems tend to be relatively storage-intensive and this imposes practical limits on the area of coverage, the resolution, or both of these. Capacity constraints are, however, becoming less significant as computer memory and storage become more powerful and as data compression techniques become more readily available)
rasteri vektöre çevirme raster to vector (Methods to convert remotely sensed raster data to vector format. A number of raster-to-vector and vector-to-raster conversion procedures have been developed and introduced to current releases of many GIS packages)
rastgele test random test (Tests which do not always yield the same result when repeated under the same conditions)
reaksiyon kinetiği reaction kinetics (That branch of physical chemistry concerned with the mechanisms and rates of chemical reactions)
reaktör reactor (A device that introduces either inductive or capacitive reactance into a circuit, such as a coil or capacitor)
reaktör emniyeti reactor safety (Those studies and activities that seek to minimise the risk of a nuclear reactor accident)
reçetelere yasal sınırlama prescription statutory limitation
reçine resin (Any of a class of solid or semisolid organic products of natural or synthetic origin with no definite melting point, generally of high molecular weight; most resins are polymers)
reçineli bitkiler resinous plant (Plants yielding or producing resin)
redüksiyon chemical reduction (Chemical reaction in which an element gains an electron)
refah prosperity (State of being prosperous; wealth or success)