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Terms for subject Environment (5289 entries)
gecekondu yerleşimi squatter settlement (Settlement on land or property to which there is no legal title)
geçici depolama temporary storage (Any deposit or holdings of goods, materials or waste in a facility, container, tank or some other physical location for a brief or short time period)
geçici düzenleme transitional arrangement (Rules, guidelines or an agreement on the process of changing the administration, structure or constitution of a government or organization)
geçici konut temporary housing
geçici sığınak temporary shelter (Simple facilities for asylum or provisional lodgings to individuals or groups in emergencies)
geçici yerleşim transitional settlement (A small village, community or group of houses, or other shelters, usually located in a thinly populated area and existing there for only a short time)
geçirgenlik permeability (The ability of a membrane or other material to permit a substance to pass through it)
geçirimsizlik tabakası liner material (A layer of synthetic or natural materials, on the sides of or beneath a landfill, landfill cell or surface impoundment, that restricts the downward or lateral escape of liquids carrying leachate into the surrounding environment)
geçiş elementleri transition element (One of a group of metallic elements in which the members have the filling of the outermost shell to 8 electrons interrupted to bring the penultimate shell from 8 to 18 or 32 electrons; includes elements 21 through 29 (scandium through copper), 39 through 47 (yttrium through silver), 57 through 79 (lanthanum through gold), and all known elements from 89 (actinium) on)
geçit crossing place (A place, often shown by markings, lights, or poles, where a street, railway, etc. may be crossed)
gel-git tide (The periodic rise and fall of the water resulting from gravitational interaction between the sun, moon and earth. In each lunar day of 24 hours and 49 minutes there are two high tides and two low tides)
gel-git bölgesi intertidal zone (1. The area between land and sea which is regularly exposed to the air by the tidal movement of the sea. Marine organisms that inhabit the intertidal zones have to adapt to periods of exposure to air and to the waves created by wind, which makes it the most physically demanding of the marine habitats. 2. The shore zone between the highest and lowest tides)
gel-git enerjisi tidal power (Mechanical power, which may be converted to electrical power, generated by the rise and fall of ocean tides. The possibilities of utilizing tidal power have been studied for many generations, but the only feasible schemes devised so far are based on the use of one or more tidal basins, separated from the sea by dams (known as barrages), and of hydraulic turbines through which water passes on its way between the basins and the sea)
gel-git enerjisi santrali tidal power station (Power station where the generation of power is provided by the ebb and flow of the tides. The principle is that water collected at high tide behind a barrage is released at low tide to turn a turbine that, in turn, drives a generator)
gel-git suyu tidal water (Any water whose level changes periodically due to tidal action)
gelecek nesillerin hakları rights of future generations (The moral, legal or ethical claims of posterity on present people, based on the recognition that the young and unborn are vulnerable to contemporary decision-making, especially decisions having long-term effect on the societies and environment they inherit)
gelenek ve görenekler custom and usage (A group pattern of habitual activity usually transmitted across generations and, in some instances, having the force of law)
geleneksel kültür traditional culture (Learned, nonrandom, systematic behavior and knowledge transmitted over several generations, especially customs and beliefs originating before the advent of modern science and technology)
geleneksel mimari traditional architecture (No definition needed)
geleneksel tıp traditional health care (A system of treating and healing maladies based on cultural beliefs and practices handed down from generation to generation)