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Terms for subject Environment (5289 entries)
eko-etiketleme ecolabelling (The European Community's initiative to encourage the promotion of environmentally friendly products. The scheme came into operation in late 1992 and was designed to identify products which are less harmful to the environment than equivalent brands. It was hoped that by buying labelled goods, consumers would be able to put pressure on manufacturers and retailers both to make and to stock "greener" products. This includes the effects they have on the environment at all stages. The labels are awarded on environmental criteria set by the EC)
eko-gelişme ecodevelopment (1. Conservative development based on long term optimization of biosphere resources. 2. An approach to development through rational use of natural resources by means of appropriate technology and system of production which take into account and provide for the conservation of nature)
ekofizyoloji ecophysiology (The study of biophysical, biochemical and physiological processes used by animals to cope with factors of their physical environment, or employed during ecological interactions with other organisms)
ekoloji ecology (The study of the interrelationships between living organisms and their environment)
ekoloji tarihi environmental history (A systematic and chronological account of past events and conditions relating to the ecosystem, its natural resources or, more generally, the external factors surrounding and affecting human life)
ekoloji topluluğu ecological community (1. All of the plants and animals in an area or volume; a complex association usually containing both animals and plants. 2. Any naturally occurring group of organisms that occupy a common environment)
ekolojik adaptasyon ecological adaptation (Change in an organism so that it is better able to survive or reproduce, thereby contributing to its fitness)
ekolojik afet ecocatastrophe (A sudden, widespread disaster or calamity causing extensive damage to the environment that threatens the quality of life for people living in the affected area or region, potentially leading to many deaths)
ekolojik bölge ecozone (Homogeous unit for landscape analysis based on the biophysical characteristics of the territory covered by the survey; A broad geographic area in which there are distinctive climate patterns, ocean conditions, types of landscapes and species of plants and animals)
ekolojik değerlendirme ecological assessment (Ecological assessment consists in monitoring the current and changing conditions of ecological resources from which success or failure of the ecosystem can be judged without bias; understanding more fully the structure and function of ecosystems in order to develop improved management options; developing models to predict the response of ecosystems to changes resulting from human-induced stress from which possible ecosystem management strategies can be assessed and assessing the ecological consequences of management actions so that decisionmakers can best understand the outcomes of choosing a particular management strategy)
ekolojik değişim environmental change (Changes that may take place in ecosystems, climate, soil, habitats, etc. due to pressures of various origin)
ekolojik denge ecological balance (The condition of equilibrium among the components of a natural community such that their relative numbers remain fairly constant and their ecosystem is stable. Gradual readjustments to the composition of a balanced community take place continually in response to natural ecological succession and to alterations in climatic and other influences)
ekolojik envanter ecological stocktaking (Taking stock of, evaluating, or inventorying a company's impact on the environment or its progress towards environmentally sound business practices)
ekolojik eşitsizlik ecological inequality (Any imbalance or disparity among inhabitants of the same living environment deemed inappropriate, unjust or detrimental to that environment's integrity)
ekolojik etiketler ecolabel (A mark, seal or written identification attached or affixed to products that provides specific ecological information allowing consumers to make comparisons with other similar products, or instructions on how to safely use or properly recycle or dispose of both products and packaging)
ekolojik faktör ecological factor (An environmental factor that, under some definite conditions, can exert appreciable influence on organisms or their communities, causing the increase or decrease in the number of organisms and/or changes in the communities)
ekolojik muhasebe ecological bookkeeping (The systematic accounting or recordkeeping of a company's impact on the environment or its progress towards environmentally sound business practices)
ekolojik müze ecomuseum (A private, non-profit facility where plants and animals can be viewed in a natural outdoor setting)
ekolojik parametre ecological parameter (A variable, measurable property whose value is a determinant of the characteristics of an ecosystem)
ekolojik pazarlama ecomarketing (The buying, selling, advertising, shipping, and storing of goods in compliance with ecological principles)