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Terms for subject Environment (5576 entries)
undervisningsplanlegging educational planning (The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate the training, instruction or study that leads to the acquisition of skills or knowledge, or the development of reasoning and judgment)
undervurdering av landbruket agricultural undervaluation (The underrating or diminishing in value of agricultural or farming goods and services)
ungdom youth (The state of being young; the period between childhood and adult age)
ungdomsarbeid youth work (Job opportunities and employment for adolescents, either for financial reward or educational enrichment)
ungt individ young
uoppløselig stoff insoluble substance (Substance incapable of forming a solution, especially in water)
uorganisk forurensende stoff inorganic pollutant (A pollutant of mineral origin and not of basically carbon structure)
uorganisk kjemi inorganic chemistry (A branch of chemistry dealing with the chemical reactions and properties of all inorganic matter)
uorganisk stoff inorganic substance (Chemical compounds that do not contain carbon as the principal element (excepting carbonates, cyanides, and cyanates), that is, matter other than plant or animal)
uran uranium (A metallic element highly toxic and radioactive; used as nuclear fuel)
urban planlegging urban planning (The activity of designing, organizing or preparing for the future lay-out and condition of a city or town)
urban planlegging- og utvikling urban planning and development (The activity or process of preparing for the future arrangement and condition of an urban center, particularly the development of its physical lay-out, which would include the construction, reconstruction, conversion, alteration or enlargement of buildings and other structures, and the extension or use of undeveloped land)
urban vannforsyning urban water supply (The distribution of water, including collection, treatment and storage, for use in a town, city or municipal area, and used generally for domestic and industrial needs)
urbanisering urbanization (The state of being or becoming a community with urban characteristics)
urbanistikk urban study (The study and theory of building and other physical needs in cities or predominantly urban cultures)
urbanøkologi urban ecology (Concept derived from biology: the city is viewed as a total environment, as a life-supporting system for the large number of people concentrated there, and within this people organize themselves and adapt to a constantly changing environment. Regarded as the same as human ecology)
urbant avløpsvann urban wastewater (The liquid wastes deriving from domestic, commercial and industrial activities of an urban settlement)
urbant forfall urban decay (Condition where part of a city or town becomes old or dirty or ruined, because businesses and wealthy families have moved away from it)
urbant forurensende stoff urban pollutant
urbant grøntområde urban green (The complex of private and public gardens in an urban area)