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Terms for subject Environment (5576 entries)
nitritt nitrite (A salt or ester of nitric acid, included in compounds such as potassium nitrite, sodium nitrite and butyl nitrite)
nitroforbindelse nitro compound (Any one of a class of usually organic compounds that contain the monovalent group, -NO2 (nitro group or radical) linked to a carbon atom)
nitrogen nitrogen (An essential nutrient in the food supply of plants and the diets of animals. Animals obtain it in nitrogen-containing compounds, particularly amino acids. Although the atmosphere is nearly 80% gaseous nitrogen, very few organisms have the ability to use it in this form. The higher plants normally obtain it from the soil after micro-organisms have converted the nitrogen into ammonia or nitrates, which they can then absorb)
nitrogendioksid nitrogen dioxide (A reddish-brown gas; it exists in varying degrees of concentration in equilibrium with other nitrogen oxides; used to produce nitric acid, NO2)
nitrogenfiksering nitrogen fixation (Assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen by a variety of microorganisms which live freely in soil. Once the nitrogen has been captured by one of the microorganisms, there are many different routes by which it is handled. Some is retained in the soil as decomposing plant matter, waiting to be released and taken up by new crops as a nitrate. That nitrate is produced by nitrifying bacteria living in the soil that thrive on ammonia, which is produced by decaying plant and animal material. In processing nitrogen the nitrifying bacteria produce nitrate that can be absorbed by the roots of plants)
nitrogenfjerning fra avgass denitrification of waste gas (Current methods for controlling NOx emissions in motor vehicles include retardation of spark timing, increasing the air/fuel ratio, injecting water into the cylinders, decreasing the compression ratio, and recirculating exhaust gas. For stationary sources, one abatement method is to use a lower NOx producing fuel or to modify the combustion process by injecting steam into the combustion chamber)
nitrogengjødsel nitrogenous fertiliser (Fertilizer materials, natural or synthesized, containing nitrogen available for fixation by vegetation, such as potassium nitrate or ammonium nitrate)
nitrogenkretsløp nitrogen cycle (The complex set of processes by which crops acquire the large amount of nitrogen they need to make proteins, nucleic acids and other biochemicals of which they are composed, and how the nitrogen returns to the atmosphere)
nitrogenmonoksid nitrogen oxide (A colorless gas that, at room temperature, reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide; may be used to form other compounds, NOx)
nitrosamin nitrosamine (Any one of a class of neutral, usually yellow oily compounds containing the divalent group = NNO)
nødhjelp emergency relief (Money, food or other assistance provided for those surviving a sudden and usually unexpected occurrence requiring immediate action, especially an incident of potential harm to human life, property or the environment)
nødhjelpstiltak emergency relief measure
nødlosji emergency lodging (Housing or dwelling space provided for victims of a sudden, urgent and usually unexpected occurrence, especially when harm has been done to human life, property or the environment)
nødrett emergency law
NOEL NOEL (Acronym for No Observed Effects Level)
nomade nomad (1. A member of a people or tribe who move from place to place to find pasture and food. 2. Nomads include gypsies, desert tribes such as the Bedouin and the many primitive tribes in the Americas, Asia and Australia. Herding survives as a way of life around the Sahara, in the Middle East, in Asia as far east as western India, and in the Asian parts of the USSR. The end of pastoral nomadism would be regrettable not merely on account of the independence and distinctiveness of this way of life but because this type of economy may be a more rational means of raising large numbers of animals under arid conditions than is capital-intensive ranching)
nomenklatur nomenclature (A system of names or terms, particularly those related to a specific area of science or art, or the assignment of names to things)
Nord-Afrika North Africa (A geographic region of the African continent south of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, and north of Africa's tropical rain forest, including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and the Egyptian region west of the Suez Canal, and also the Sahara Desert and Atlas Mountains)
Nord-Amerika North America (A continent in the northern half of the western hemisphere, bounded by the Arctic Ocean in the north, by the Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea in the west, and by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico in the east, connected to South America by the Isthmus of Panama, and including the United States, Canada, Mexico and several small island nations)
nord-sør-forhold North-South relationship (The connections, associations or involvement of developed nations, found predominantly in the Northern Hemisphere, with developing nations, found predominantly in the Southern Hemisphere)