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Terms for subject Environment (5576 entries)
interessegruppe interest group (A group of people who share common traits, attitudes, beliefs or objectives and who have formed a formal organization to serve specific concerns of the membership)
interessekonflikt conflict of interests (Clash between public interest and the private pecuniary interest of the individual concerned. A situation in which regard for one duty tends to lead to disregard of another)
interesseutgjevning balancing of interests (Considering, weighing or counterbalancing the competing political or financial concerns of different parts of society, including industries, consumers, trade unions and other groups or organizations)
internalisering av eksterne kostnader internalisation of external costs (The process of getting those who produce goods or services with adverse effects on the environment or on society to incorporate a knowledge of possible negative repercussions into future economic decisions)
internalisering av miljøkostnader internalisation of environmental costs
internasjonal arbeidsdeling international division of labour
internasjonal avtale international agreement (Cooperation in international efforts to support global environmental goals. Solutions to environmental problems such as trans-boundary airborne and waterborne pollution, ozone depletion and climate change require action by all responsible countries)
internasjonal balanse international balance (A system in which nations or blocs of nations strive to maintain an equilibrium of power to prevent dominance by any single nation or to reduce conflict or the possibility of war)
internasjonal domstol International Court of Justice (Judicial arm of the United Nations. It has jurisdiction to give advisory opinions on matters of law and treaty construction when requested by the General Assembly, Security Council or any other international agency authorised by the General Assembly to petition for such opinion. It has jurisdiction, also, to settle legal disputes between nations when voluntarily submitted to it)
internasjonal fordeling international distribution (The worldwide allocating of resources or dispersing of goods)
internasjonal handel international trade (The flow of commodities and goods between nations)
internasjonal harmonisering international harmonisation (Harmonisation of the interrelationship of sovereign states by the application of general principles recognized by civilized nations)
internasjonal hjelp international assistance (Economic, military, technical or financial aid or support given to nations or countries in need, often from other governments or international or intergovernmental organizations)
internasjonal konflikt international conflict (A controversy, disagreement, quarrel or warfare between or among two or more nations or countries, often requiring involvement or monitoring by other members of the global community)
internasjonal konkurransedyktighet international competitiveness (The ability of firms to strive with rivals in the production and sale of commodities in worldwide markets)
internasjonal konvensjon international convention (Treaties and other agreements of a contractual character between different countries or organizations of states creating legal rights and obligations between the parties)
internasjonal økonomiregulerende lov international economic law (The recognized rules guiding the commercial relations of at least two sovereign states or private parties involved in cross-border transactions, including regulations for trade, finance and intellectual property)
internasjonal organisasjon international organisation (An association of independent states, whose representatives gather for the promotion of common interests including defense and trade)
internasjonal politikk international politics (The use of methods, strategy, intrigue, decision making and power by governments and their representatives to achieve goals in policy making or governmental affairs in a worldwide or international arena)
internasjonal privatrett private international law (The part of the national law of a country that establishes rules for dealing with cases involving a foreign element)