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Terms for subject Environment (5576 entries)
akustisk egenskap acoustic property (The characteristics found within a structure that determine the quality of sound in its relevance to hearing)
akustisk filter acoustic filter (A device employed to reject sound in a particular range of frequencies while passing sound in another range of frequencies)
akustisk komfort acoustic comfort
akustisk kvalitet acoustical quality (The characteristics of a confined space that determines its ability to enable music and speech to be heard clearly within it)
akustisk nivå acoustic level (Physical quantity of sound measured, usually expressed in decibels)
akvakultur aquaculture (1. The cultivation and harvest of freshwater or marine animals and plants, in ponds, tanks, cages or on protected beds. This is usually done in inland waters, estuaries or coastal waters. It is estimated that commercial fish farming accounts for more than 10% of the world's fish needs. Fish farming usually concentrates on molluscs, including oysters, mussels and clams, because they are usually immobile and fetch high prices. Shrimps and salmon are also farmed, but the stock have to be caught in the wild first, so that they can be brought up to commercial standards in pens. Aquaculture in not new. In Asia freshwater fish have been farmed for some 4.000 years, usually on small farms. 2. The use of artificial means to increase the production of aquatic organisms in fresh or salt water)
akvatisk dyr aquatic animal (Animal having a water habitat)
akvatisk mikroorganisme aquatic micro-organism (Microorganisms having a water habitat)
akvatisk miljø aquatic environment (Waters, including wetlands, that serve as habitat for interrelated and interacting communities and populations of plants and animals)
akvatisk økologi aquatic ecology (The study of the relationships among aquatic living organisms and between those organisms and their environment)
akvatisk økosystem aquatic ecosystem (Any watery environment, from small to large, from pond to ocean, in which plants and animals interact with the chemical and physical features of the environment)
akvatisk organisme aquatic organism (Organisms which live in water)
akvedukt aqueduct (A channel for supplying water; often underground, but treated architecturally on high arches when crossing valleys or low ground)
akvifer aquifer (Layers of rock, sand or gravel that can absorb water and allow it to flow. An aquifer acts as a groundwater reservoir when the underlying rock is impermeable. This may be tapped by wells for domestic, agricultural or industrial use. A serious environmental problem arises when the aquifer is contaminated by the seepage of sewage or toxins from waste dumps. If the groundwater in coastal areas is over-used salt water can seep into the aquifer)
alarm alarm (Signalling an impending danger in order to call attention to some event or condition)
alder age (The period of time that a person, animal or plant has lived or is expected to live)
alfastråling alpha radiation (A stream of alpha particles which are ejected from many radioactive substances having a penetrating power of a few cm in air but can be stopped by a thin piece of paper)
alge alga (Simple, green, aquatic plants without stems, roots or leaves. They are among the microscopic organisms that form the start of the food chain. Algae are found floating in the sea and fresh water, but they also grow on the surface of damp walls, rocks, the bark of trees and on soil. They contain chlorophyll and other pigments that let them grow by photosynthesis. On land, algae can be useful in improving the fertility of soil by nitrogen fixation)
algemiddel algicide (Any substance or chemical applied to kill or control algal growth)
algeoppblomstring algal bloom (Excessive and rapid growth of algae and other aquatic plants when they are stimulated to grow too quickly by pollution. It takes place when there are too many nutrients in the water and is aggravated when accompanied by a rise in temperature. Although the algae grow quickly they soon die because they have swallowed up all the water's nutrients. As they decompose they tend to rise to the surface and form a green slime. Algal bloom have increased because higher levels of nitrogen and phosphates from agricultural areas have leached from the fields into water courses)