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Terms for subject Aviation (1654 entries)
Ahg. Anhänger
AIAA "American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal"
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AIAA Artillerie-Instrumentalaufklärungsabteilung
AIB Aerodynamisches Institut, Braunschweig
AID Aerodynamisches Institut, Darmstadt
AIDS Airborne Integrated Data System
AIGS Trägheitslenkungssystem
AIGS all-inertia lguidance system
AIRCENT Allied Air Forces, Central Europe
AIRNORTH Allied Air Forces, Northern Europe
AIRSOUTH Allied Air Forces, Southern Europe
Airway Bill AWB Лорина
Airway Bill Luftfrachtbrief Лорина
AJ "Ästronomical Journal"
AK Arbeitskontakt
Akt R Aktionsradius
Al Anlasser
Allwjgd Allwetterjagdflugzeug
ALO air liaison officer