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Terms for subject Cooking (712 entries)
belegte Brötchen bread roll with cheese, ham or sausage
belegte Brote open sandwiches
belgische Küche Belgian cuisine Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Bergkäse cheese produced in the Alps
Berliner doughnut
Betthupferl bedtime candy or sweet
Betthupferl midnight snack
Bienenstich literally "bee sting cake
Bienenstich a layer cream cake with almonds
Bienenstich cake coated with sugar and almonds and filled with custard or cream
Biersuppe sweet soup of beer, milk and egg
Birnendicksaft concentrated pear juice
Biskuit sponge
Bismarckhering filleted pickled herring
Blätterteig filo
Blattgemüse greens
blau boiled or cooked in salt and vinegar
Blauschimmel-Käse blue cheese
Bleichsellerie celery
Blockschokolade baking chocolate