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Terms for subject Economy (96398 entries)
"offenes" Kreditkonto charge account
"optischer" Preis odd price
"painting the tape" painting the tape
"Paradestück" show article
"per Anhalter" fahren hitchhike
"pumping and dumping" pumping and dumping
"Qualitätseffekt" quality effect
"Rausschmiß" bounce
"Sandwich"-Lehrgang sandwich course
"Schutz" protection
"Skalpieren" scalping
"so beschaffen tale quale
"SRZ-Korb" SDR basket
"Steuerdrift" fiscal drag
"Stop and go"-Politik stop-go policy
"Stop and go"-Politik policy of economic "stop-go"
"Stoßdämpfer" shock absorber
"Talsohle" des Konjunkturzyklus business cycle turnaround
"Talsohle" des Krisenzyklus business cycle turnaround
"top down budgeting" top-down budgeting