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Terms for subject Construction (50300 entries)
ebene Biegefigur plane bending
ebene Biegung plane bending
ebene Bodenplatte flat bottom
ebene Decke flat (slab) floor construction
ebene Decke flat vault
ebene Deckenplatte flat deck
Ebene eines Kräftepaares plane of couple
ebene Fliese flat tile
ebene Kachel plane glazed tile
ebene Konstruktion two-dimensional structures
ebene Kräftegruppe system of coplanar forces
ebene Nut shallow groove
ebene Nut shallow slot
ebene Platte flat sheet
ebene Platte flat slab
ebene Platte flat plate
ebene Stahlplatte steel-plate deck
ebene Wärmeschutzabdeckung flat-type heated housing
ebenen to even the soil
ebenen to level