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Terms for subject Historical (460 entries)
das Münchner Abkommen the Munich Agreement
Deputat service
der Sonnenkönig le Roi Soleil
der Sonnenkönig the Sun King
deutsch-deutsch East-West German
deutsch-deutsch German-German
deutsch-deutsche Beziehungen East-West German relations
deutsch-deutsche Beziehungen German-German relations
Deutsch-Sowjetischer Nichtangriffsvertrag German-Soviet Non-Aggression Treaty Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Deutsche Bundesbahn German Federal Railway
Deutsches Afrika-Korps German Africa Corps Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Deutschlandfrage German question
Deutschlandpolitik intra-German policy
deutschnational German National
die (Deutsche) Bundespost the (German) Federal Post Office
Dolchstoßlegende stab-in-the-back legend
Doppelmonarchie Dual Monarchy (Austria-Hungary
Eigenbistum diocese owned by the archbishop as its lord
Eigenbistum proprietary diocese
Eigenkirche church owned by its lord