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Terms for subject Agriculture (82461 entries)
ähriges Tausendblatt spiked water milfoil
akademisch scientific
akademisch learned
akademisch scholarly
Akadischer Rotbarsch Acadian redfish
Akarinose vine acariasis
Akaroidharz acaroid
Akazie acacia
Akazie wattle
Akeebaum akee apple
Akibaum akee apple
Akkerspark corn spurrey
Akklimatisationsvermögen getting accustomed
Akklimatisationsvermögen capacity of acclimatization
Akklimatisationsvermögen taking roots
Akklimatisationsvermögen striking roots
Akklimatisieren acclimatization
Akklimatisieren taking roots
Akkord by the piece
Akkord piece work