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Terms for subject Medical (235816 entries)
totaler peripherer Widerstand total peripheral resistance
Totalexstirpation total eradication
Totalexstirpation Wertheimsche Operation radical hysterectomy
Totalexstirpation Wertheimsche Operation Wertheim's operation
Totalfurchen cerebral fissures
Totalfurchen cerebral sulci
Totalfurchen sulci cerebri
Totalfurchung total segmentation
Totalfurchung holoblastic cleavage
Totalfurchung complete cleavage
Totalkapazität total lung capacity
Totalkapazität total capacity
Totalkapizität total capacity
Totalkapizität total lung capacity
Totallungenkapazität total lung capacity
Totalprolaps complete prolapse
Totalstar mature cataract
Totalstar total cataract
töten to kill
töten (abtöten) to deaden