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Terms for subject Alternative dispute resolution (17375 entries)
obligatorische Ausgaben obligatory expenditure
obligatorische Haftpflichtversicherung für Kraftfahrzeuge compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of motor vehicles
Obmann umpire
Obmann foreman
Obmann chairman
Obst anbauen grow fruit
Obst- und Gemüsehandlung greengrocery
obst- und gemüseverarbeitende Industrien fruit and vegetable processing industries
Obstbau cultivation of fruit
Obstbau fruit farming
Obsternte fruit crop
Obstgroßhändler fruit wholesaler
Obsthandel fruit trade
Obstkonserven canned fruit
Obstkonserven tinned fruit
obstreich abounding in fruit
Obstschwemme glut of fruit
Obstverkäufer fruit vendor
offene Aktiengesellschaft Open Joint Stock Company Andrey­ Truhac­hev
offene Gewinnausschüttung declared distribution of profits