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Terms for subject General (501013 entries)
Kultur- und Bildungspolitik cultural and educational policy
Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft creative industry
Kulturabkommen cultural accord
Kulturabkommen cultural agreement
Kulturabkommen cultural convention
Kulturabkommen cultural treaty
Kulturalismus culturalism
Kulturamt cultural office
Kulturanthropologie socio-cultural anthropology
Kulturattache cultural attache
Kulturausschuss der Volkspartei für Freiheit und Demokratie Cultural Committee of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy
Kulturaustausch cultural exchange
Kulturautonomie independence in matters of education and culture
Kulturbanause lowbrow
Kulturbauten cultural buildings
Kulturbeutel toilet bag
Kulturbeutel wash bag
kulturbildend culture founding Sergey­L
kulturbildend culture forming Sergey­L
kulturbildend culture establishing Sergey­L