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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Kommunalebene municipal level (The jurisdiction, position or status of city, town or local government)
Kommunalebene municipal level
Kommunalentwicklung local development
Kommunalentwicklung local development (A stage of growth or advancement in any aspect of a community that is defined by or restricted to a particular and usually small district or area)
kommunales Abwasser urban waste water
kommunales Abwasser municipal waste water
kommunales Wasserversorgungsunternehmen municipal water utility
Kommunalfinanzen local finance (The theory and practice of all public money matters pertaining to city, town or small district governments)
Kommunalfinanzen local finance
Kommunalpolitik local government policy
Kommunalpolitik local government policy (Any course of action adopted and pursued by a ruling political authority or system, which determines the affairs for a city, town, county or regional area)
Kommunalverwaltung local government (An administrative body or system in which political direction and control is exercised over the community of a city, town or small district)
Kommunikation communications
Kommunikation communications (The concept, science, technique and process of transmitting, receiving or otherwise exchanging information and data)
Kommunikationsmittel means of communication (The agents, instruments, methods or resources used to impart or interchange thoughts, opinions or information)
Kommunikationsmittel communication media
Kommunikationspolitik communications policy (Measures and practices adopted by governments relating to the management of communication media)
Kommunikationssystem communications system (A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources designed to exchange information and data by means of mutually understood symbols)
Komodowaran Komodo Island monitor
Komodowaran ora