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Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation (22540 entries)
Jungfernkranich demoiselle crane
Junghase leveret
Jungwuchs young wood
Jungwuchs young growth
Jungwuchs upgrowth
Jungwuchspflege tending of a young stand
Jungwuchspflege young growth tending
Juwelflussbarsch shiner perch
K hydraulic conductivity, K
K max saturated hydraulic conductivity, K
Kabellege- und -reparaturschiff cable layer and repair ship
Kabelreparaturschiff cable repair ship
Kabinenbelüftung cabin ventilation
Kadmiumbeeinflussung cadmium influence
Kadmiumstaub cadmium dust
Kaefer beetle
Kaefer coleopter
Käfer- und Dipterenlarven larvae
Käferschädling coleoptera pest
Kafferbueffel Cape buffalo