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Terms for subject Physics (54105 entries)
inneres Produkt dot product
inneres Virial internal virial
inneres Weißsches Feld Weiss internal field
inneres Weißsches Feld Weiss molecular field
innerhalb der Fehlergrenzen within the limits of error
innerhalb des Kerns intranuclear
Innerklassenkorrelation intraclass correlation
Innerklassenvarianz intraclass variance
Innerklassenvarianz within-class variance
Innerkomplexverbindung inner-complex compound
innermolekulare Umlagerung intramolecular migration
innermolekulare Umwandlung intramolecular transformation
innermolekularer Freiheitsgrad intramolecular degree of freedom
Inselbildung island effect
Inselmodell island model
Inselschicht island layer
Inselstruktur island structure
Insert-Modus insert mode
instabil astable
instabile Bahn unstable orbital