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Terms for subject Economy (96889 entries)
Inlands- inland
Inlands- interior
Inlands- internal
Inlands- und Auslandsverbindlichkeiten domestic and foreign liabilities
Inlandsabsatz home sales
Inlandsanlageinvestition domestic fixed asset formation
Inlandsanlagen domestic investments
Inlandsauftrag order from a domestic customer
Inlandsauftrag home order
Inlandsauftrag order from within the country
Inlandsauftrag home-market order
Inlandsaussteller domestic exhibitor
Inlandsaussteller home exhibitor
Inlandsausstellung domestic fair
Inlandsbedarf domestic needs
Inlandsbedarf domestic requirements
Inlandsbedarf home demand
Inlandsbedarf home requirements
Inlandsdienst domestic service
Inlandserzeugnis domestic manufacture