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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Haloid halide
Halon brominated fluorcarbon
Halon halogenated hydrocarbon
Halon halocarbon
Halon halogenic hydrocarbon
Halon 1301 CBrF3
Halon 1301 bromotrifluoromethane
Halon 1301 fluorocarbon-13B1
halophil halophilous
halophil halophytic
halophil salt tolerant
halophile und gypsophile Binnenlandsteppen salt and gypsum inland steppes
Halophyt halophyte
halophytische Vegetation halophytic habitat
haltbar gemachte Schmetterlinge preserved butterflies
Haltbarmachen Conservation
Halten der Bekämpfungslinie line holding
Haltung von Tieren in Zoos keeping animals in zoos
Hämatologie haematology (The branch of medical science concerned with diseases of the blood)
Hamburger Filter Hamburg filter