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Terms for subject Environment (26921 entries)
Gesellschaftspolitische Aspekte sociopolitical aspect
Gesellschaftspolitische Aspekte sociopolitical aspect (Any part, feature or quality of society that combines governmental dimensions with inter-personal or inter-group dynamics)
Gesellschaftsstruktur social structure
Gesellschaftsstruktur social structure (A term loosely applied to any recurring pattern of social behaviour; or, more specifically, to the ordered interrelationships between the different elements or a social system or society)
Gesellschaftssystem social system (The concept of system appears throughout the social and natural sciences and has generated a body of literature of its own (general systems theory). A system is any pattern of relationships between elements, and is regarded as having emergent properties on its own over and above the properties of its elements)
Gesetz law
Gesetz allgemeine Bestimmungen zum Umweltschutz Environmental Protection (General Provisions) Act
Gesetz über chemische Abfallstoffe Chemical Waste Act
Gesetz über chemische Abfallstoffe Chemical Waste and Waste Oil Act
Gesetz über chemische Abfallstoffe Chemical Waste and Waste Oil Regulations Act
Gesetz über den Umweltschutz Environmental Management Act
Gesetz über die oeffentlich-rechtliche Koerperschaft Rijnmond Rijnmond Authority Act
Gesetz über Gefährliche Güter Dangerous Substances Act
Gesetz zum Schutz der See gegen Verunreinigung Marine Pollution Act
Gesetz zum Schutz gegen die Luftverunreinigung Air Pollution Act
Gesetz zum Schutz oberirdischer Gewässer gegen Verunreinigung Pollution of Surface Waters Act
Gesetzbuch code
Gesetzbuch code (A systematic collection, compendium or revision of laws, rules, or regulations. A private or official compilation of all permanent laws in force consolidated and classified according to subject matter. Many states have published official codes of all laws in force, including the common law and statutes as judicially interpreted, which have been compiled by code commissions and enacted by the legislatures)
Gesetze law (individual, One of the rules making up the body of law)
Gesetze act (1. Something done voluntarily by a person, and of such a nature that certain legal consequences attach to it. 2. Documents, decrees, edicts, laws, judgments, etc.)