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Terms for subject Environment (26920 entries)
Distickstoffmonoxid nitrous oxide
Distickstoffmonoxid laughing gas
Distickstoffmonoxid dinitrogen monoxide
Distickstoffmonoxid nitric oxide
Distickstoffmonoxid E 942
Distickstoffoxid nitrous oxide
Distickstoffpentoxid N2O5
Distickstoffpentoxid nitric anhydride
Distickstoffpentoxid nitrogen pentoxide
Djakarta Mandat Jakarta Mandate
DNA DNA (The principal material of inheritance. It is found in chromosomes and consists of molecules that are long unbranched chains made up of many nucleotides. Each nucleotide is a combination of phosphoric acid, the monosaccharide deoxyribose and one of four nitrogenous bases: thymine, cytosine, adenine or guanine. The number of possible arrangements of nucleotides along the DNA chain is immense. Usually two DNA strands are linked together in parallel by specific base-pairing and are helically coiled. Replication of DNA molecules is accomplished by separation of the two strands, followed by the building up of matching strands by means of base-pairing, using the two halves as templates. By a mechanism involving RNA, the structure of DNA is translated into the structure of proteins during their synthesis from amino acids)
DNS-Rekombinationstechnik recombinant DNA technology
DNS-Rekombinationstechnik recombinant DNA technology (Techniques and practical applications associated with recombinant DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid artificially introduced into a cell that alters the genotype and phenotype of the cell and is replicated along with the natural DNA))
Dobris+3-Bericht "State of the Environment" report
Dobris+3-Bericht Dobris+3 Assessment
Dobris-Lagebericht Europe's Environment: The Dobris Assessment
Dobson Wert Dobson value
Dobson-Einheit Dobson
Dobson-Einheit Dobson unit
Dobson-Einheit ozone unit