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Terms for subject Cooking (804 entries)
Brechbohnen green beans
Brei mash
Brei puree
Brei mixture
Briekäse Brie
Briekäse Brie cheese
Brotaufstrich spread
Brotsuppe soup made from bread
Brühkartoffeln potatoes boiled in meat stock
Brühreis boiled rice
Brühwurst sausage
Buchweizengrütze buckwheat groats Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Bündner Fleisch air-dried beef from Switzerland
Cayennepfeffer cayenne pepper
Champignon button mushroom
Christstollen bread-like cake with raisins
Cocktailtomate cherry tomato
Cornichon gherkin
Dampfnudel sweet yeast dumpling cooked in milk and sugar
das Steak ist ein Gedicht the steak is just superb Andrey­ Truhac­hev