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Terms for subject Medical (217517 entries)
Ablatio placentae premature detachment of placenta
Ablatio retinae detached retina
Ablatio retinae ablatio retinae
Ablatio retinae detachment of the retina
Ablatio retinae retinal detachment
Ablatio testis orchidectomy
Ablatio testis orchiectomy
Ablatio testis testectomy
Ablation ablatio
Ablativ-Therapie ablative therapy
Ablaufpyelogramm ascending pyelography
Ablaufpyeloskopie control pyeloscopy
Ableben somatic death
ablegen oviposit
ablegen spawn
ablegen lay eggs
ablegen sperm
Ableistung einer Vorbereitungszeit complete a preparatory training period
ableiten to derive
ableiten (Flüssigkeit) to draw off