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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Umweltauflage environmental specification
Umweltausbildung environmental training
Umweltausbildung environmental training (Teaching of specialists and qualified workers who acquire knowledge and skills necessary to solve environmental problems)
Umweltausschuß der internationalen Entwicklungshilfeinstitutionen Committee of International Environmental Development Institutions
Umweltausschuß der internationalen Entwicklungshilfeinstitutionen Environmental Committee of the International Development Institutions
Umweltausschuß des Europäischen Parlaments European parliament's environment committee
Umweltauswirkung environmental impact
Umweltauswirkung environmental consequence
Umweltauswirkung environmental consequence (Resultant of natural or man-made perturbations of the physical, chemical or biological components making up the environment)
Umweltauswirkungen environmental impact
Umweltbeauftragter environmental officer
Umweltbeauftragter environmental protection officer
Umweltbediensteter environmental officer
Umweltbedingte Krankheit environmentally related disease
umweltbedingte Krankheit ecological illness
umweltbedingte Migration environment-related migration
umweltbedingte Migration environmentally-induced migration
umweltbedingte Schäden an historischen Gebäuden degradation of historical buildings
umweltbedingte Stillegung environmental set-aside
umweltbedingte Wanderungsbewegung environment-related migration