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Terms for subject Chemistry (70318 entries)
solutropische Mischung solutrope
Solvatation solvatation
Solvatationskraft solvating power
Solvathülle sheath of solvent molecules
Solvathülle solvation shell
Solvation hydration
Solvation solvation
Solvationenpaar loose ion pair
solvatisieren solvate
solvatisierter Stoff solvate
Solvatisierung solvation
Solvay-Turm Solvay tower
Solvay-Verfahren ammonia-soda process
Solvaysches Salz carbonate of soda
Solvaysches Salz commercial soda
Solvens dissolver
Solvent Naphtha heavy benzene
Solvent Naphtha solvent naphtha
Solvent-Extraktion solvent extraction
Solventextraktionsprozess solvent extraction process