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Terms for subject Environment (26920 entries)
schwach aktiver Abfall low-level waste
schwach saure Abfälle weak acid waste
schwachaktive Abfälle low-level radioactive waste
schwachaktive Abfälle low-level waste
schwachbelastetes Belebungsverfahren low-rate activated sludge process
schwache Schadstoffkonzentration concentration of minor amounts of harmful substances
Schwachholz small timber
Schwachholz thinnings
Schwachlastbelebung low-rate activated sludge process
Schwaden fume
Schwaden fume (Solids in the air that have been generated by the condensation of vapors, chemical reactions or sublimation (a direct change from solid to gas). Often metallic oxides or metals, these particles are less than 1 micrometer in diameter and may be toxic)
Schwadenfahne vapor plume
Schwadensystem windrow system
Schwalben swallows and martins
Schwämme poriferan
Schwämme poriferan (The sponges, a phylum of the animal kingdom characterized by the presence of canal systems and chambers through which water is drawn in and released; tissues and organs are absent)
schwankendes Geräusch fluctuating noise
Schwankung Perturbance
Schwankungen in der Konzentration erlauben accept fluctuations of concentration
Schwankungsbereich uncertainty range