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Terms for subject Shooting sport (321 entries)
Schnellfeuerschiessen rapid firing
Schnellfeuerschiessen rapid fire pistol-shooting competition
Schnellfeuerschiessplatz rapid fire pistol-range
Schrotpatrone paper shot shell
Schultergrube inner curve of the shoulder
Schussdistanz range of shooting
schussfertig ready for firing
Schussleiter range officer
Schussresultat shooting result
Schusszahl number of shots
Schusszeit time limit
Schutzbrille shooting glasses
Schützenmantel shooting coat
Schützenstand firing point
Schützenstand shooting station
Schützenstandkontrolleur shooting station controller
schwacher Rand weak rim
Schwarze bull's eye
Shortpatrone short cartridge
sich einschwingen swing