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Terms for subject General (509690 entries)
Rohstoffkontrolle testing of components
Rohstoffkontrolle testing of raw materials
Rohstofflagerstätte deposit of raw materials
Rohstofflieferant raw material supplier
Rohstoffmangel lack of raw materials
Rohstoffmangel shortage of raw materials
Rohstoffmarkt commodities market
Rohstoffonds raw materials fund
Rohstoffpreis commodity price
Rohstoffpreis raw marerial price
Rohstoffpreise commodity prices
Rohstoffpreisindex commodities price index
Rohstoffquelle source of raw materials
rohstoffreich rich in natural resources
Rohstoffreserve reserve of raw materials
Rohstoffreserven reserves of raw materials
rohstoffsparende Technologien raw materials-saving technologies
Rohstoffswaps commodity swaps
Rohstoffverarbeitung processing of raw materials
Rohstoffverknappung scarcity of resources