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Terms for subject Natural resourses and wildlife conservation (22540 entries)
Restfeuchtegehalt content of residual moisture
Restgas der Chlorverflüssigung tail gas of chlorine liquidizing
Restlast residual load
Restlast residual loading
Restlochgestaltung designing of worked out open cuts
Restschwefelgehalt residual sulphur content
Reststaubgehalt remained dust load
Restsubstanz remained substance
Restsubstanz remainder
Restverschmutzung residual pollution
Retention retention
Retroreflektor retroreflector
Reutmaus black water rat
Reutmaus water rat
Reutmaus water vole
Revier forest range
Revisionseinstieg inspection access
Revisionseinstieg inspection hole
RGT-Regel reaction rate temperature
rH-Wert rH-value