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Terms for subject Environment (26920 entries)
Rasterelement grid box
Rasterelement grid cell
Rasterelement grid square
Rasterzelle grid cell
Rastplatz staging post
Rastplatz für Zugvögel resting place for migratory birds
Rat der Europäischen Union EU Council (The Council of the European Union is an institution which exercises legislative and decision-making powers. At the same time, it is the forum in which the representatives of the Governments of the 15 Member States can assert their interests and try to reach compromises. The Council ensures general coordination of the activities of the European Community, the main objective of which is the establishment of an internal market, i.e. an area without internal frontiers guaranteeing four freedoms of movement - for goods, persons, services and capital - to which should soon be added a single currency. In addition, the Council is responsible for intergovernmental cooperation, in common foreign and security policy (CFSP) and in the areas of justice and home affairs (JHA), including for example matters of immigration and asylum, combating terrorism and drugs and judicial cooperation)
Rat der Umweltminister Environment Council
Rat für die gesamteuropäische Strategie der biologischen und landschaftlichen Vielfalt Council for the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy
Rat für Umwelt- und Naturforschung Advisory Council for Research on Nature and the Environment
Rate rate (The amount of change in some quantity during a time interval divided by the length of the time interval)
Rationalisierung der Sammlung rationalization of the collection
rationelle Nutzung der Küstengebiete efficient management of coastal areas
rationelle Wasserwirtschaft rational management of water resources
Rattennatter dhaman
Rattenvertilgung deratization
Rattenvertilgung destruction of rats
Raubbau overexploitation
Räuber-Beute-Beziehung predator-prey interaction
Räuber-Beute-Beziehung predator-prey relation