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Terms for subject Medical (235816 entries)
Pankreasexstirpation extirpation of the pancreas
Pankreasexstirpation pancreatectomy
Pankreasfermentsonde pancreatic enzyme probe
Pankreasfettgewebsnekrose pancreatic fat necrosis
Pankreasfettnekrose Balser's fatty necrosis
Pankreasfibrose fibrosis of the pancreas
Pankreasfistel fistulae of the pancreas
Pankreasgang pancreatic duct
Pankreasgang hepaticopancreatic duct
Pankreasgang duct of Wirsung
Pankreasgang Wirsung canal
Pankreashypersekretion pancreatic hypersecretion
Pankreashypertrophie hypertrophy of the pancreas
Pankreashypochylie hypochylia of the pancreas
Pankreasinsel pancreatic islet
Pankreasinsel islet of Langerhans
Pankreasinsel islet of Pancreas
Pankreasinsel Langerhans islet
Pankreasinsel Langerhans island
Pankreasinsel island of Langerhans