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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Observatorium observatory (in general)
Obst fruit (A fully matured plant ovary with or without other floral or shoot parts united with it at maturity)
Obstbau fruit cultivation (Cultivation of fruit trees for home consumption or on a commercial basis)
Obstbau fruit cultivation
Obstbaum fruit tree (Any tree that bears edible fruit)
Obstreste fruit residues
Obstreste pomace
oder: Mitgliedstaaten des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums (EWR) EEA Member States
Odinshühnchen red-necked phalarope
Ödlandkultivierung landscape restoration
Odorimeter olfactometer
OECD-Arbeitsgruppe für Abfallwirtschaft Radioactive Waste Management Committee
OECD-Liste zur Einstufung von zur Verwertung bestimmten Abfällen OECD classification list of wastes destined for recovery operations
OECD-Verfahren der "roten Stufe" OECD red tier
OEffentlich-rechtliche Koerperschaft Rijnmond Rijnmond Authority
oekokatastrophe ecocatastrophe
oekokatastrophe ecological disaster
oekologe ecologist
oekologische Gefahr ecological risk
oekologische Katastrophe ecocatastrophe