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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Nitrit nitrite (A salt or ester of nitric acid, included in compounds such as potassium nitrite, sodium nitrite and butyl nitrite)
Nitrosamin nitrosamine (Any one of a class of neutral, usually yellow oily compounds containing the divalent group = NNO)
No-regret-Strategien no regret strategies
No-Till-Verfahren direct seeding
No-Till-Verfahren no-till farming
No-Till-Verfahren no-till method
No-Till-Verfahren zero tillage
NO2-Sensor NO2 sensor
NO2-Sensor nitrogen dioxide sensor
NOEC-Wert NOEC value
NOEL NOEL (Acronym for No Observed Effects Level)
Nofallplan emergency plan
Nofallplan emergency plan (Program of procedures to be undertaken in the event of a sudden, urgent and usually unexpected occurrence requiring immediate action, especially an incident of potential harm to human life, property or the environment)
Nomade nomad (1. A member of a people or tribe who move from place to place to find pasture and food. 2. Nomads include gypsies, desert tribes such as the Bedouin and the many primitive tribes in the Americas, Asia and Australia. Herding survives as a way of life around the Sahara, in the Middle East, in Asia as far east as western India, and in the Asian parts of the USSR. The end of pastoral nomadism would be regrettable not merely on account of the independence and distinctiveness of this way of life but because this type of economy may be a more rational means of raising large numbers of animals under arid conditions than is capital-intensive ranching)
Nomenklatur nomenclature (A system of names or terms, particularly those related to a specific area of science or art, or the assignment of names to things)
Nonnenkranich Siberian crane
Nonnenkranich snow crane
Nonylphenolethoxylat nonylphenol ethoxylate
Nonylphenolethoxylat nonylphenolethoxylate
Noogenetik noogenetics