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Terms for subject Environment (26921 entries)
Nahrungswettbewerb competition for food
Nährwert nutritive value of food
Nährwert nutritive value of food (The measure of the quantity or availability of nutrients found in materials ingested and utilized by humans or animals as a source of nutrition and energy)
nahtlos verschlossenen Beinring seamlessly closed leg-ring.
nahtlos verschlossener Beinring seamlessly closed leg-ring
Nahverkehr local traffic (Traffic moving within a city, town, or area and subject to frequent stops, as distinguished from long distance traffic)
Nahwärmeversorgung local heat supply
Nahwärmeversorgung local heat supply (The provision of heating fuel, coal or other heating source materials, or the amount of heating capacity, for the use of a specific local community)
NAMA nationally appropriate mitigation actions
Nandu greater rhea
Nandus reas
Nasenaffe pig-tailed langur
Nasenaffe snub-nosed langur
Nasenbeutler bandicoots
Nashörner rhinoceroses
Nashörner rhinos
Nashornvögel hornbills
Nass- oder Trockenmineralisierung wet or dry mineralisation
Nass/waescher exhaust gas scrubber
Nassabscheider nitric acid scrubber