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Terms for subject Environment (26921 entries)
Moorwald bog woodland
Moorwälder bog woodland
Moos moss (Any plant of the class Bryophyta, occurring in nearly all damp habitats)
Moralische Überredung moral persuasion
Moralische Überredung moral persuasion (Appealing to the ethical principles or beliefs of an adversary or the public to convince the adversary to change behavior or attitudes)
Morbus Chagas Chagas' disease
Mörderbiene Africanised bee
Mörderbiene Africanised honey-bee
Mörderbiene killer bee
Morphologie morphology (The branch of biology concerned with the form and structure of organisms)
Mosaik mosaic (A composite photograph consisting of separate aerial photographs of overlapping surface areas, producing an overall image of a surface area too large to be depicted in a single aerial photograph)
Moschustiere musk deer
Motor (im übertragenen Sinn) Driving force
Motor engine (A machine in which power is applied to do work by the conversion of various forms of energy into mechanical force and motion)
Motorabgas exhaust gas
Motorölabfall waste engine-oil
Möwen gulls and terns
MSR-Einrichtung regulatory building
Mückenbekämpfung mosquito control
Muellabfuhrunternehmen waste collection undertaking