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Terms for subject Health care (21370 entries)
monokarpisch monocarpic
monoklonale Antikörper monoclonal antibodies
monoklonaler Antikörper gegen das Antigen CD4 monoclonal antibody to the CD4 antigen
Mononatriumphosphat monosodium phosphate
Mononucleosis glandular fever
Mononucleosis infectious mononucleosis
Mononucleosis mononucleosis
mononukleäre Zelle mononuclear cell
mononuklearer Phagocyt mononuclear phagocyte
Monotherapie single agent
Monotherapie mit Chemotherapeutika single agent chemotherapy
monovalenter Impfstoff mono-component vaccine
monozinnorganische Verbindung mono-organotin compound
Monozyt monocyte
Monozyte im peripheren Blut blood monocyte
Monozytoid-B-Lymphozyt monocytoid B lymphocyte
Monstrum duplicium duplicitas
Monstrum duplicium twin monster
Montagssymptomatik Monday feeling
Montagssymptomatik Monday morning sickness