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Terms for subject Law (38366 entries)
Mietzeit duration of a lease
Mietzeit term of (a) lease
Mietzeit term of a lease
Mietzins hinterlegen deposit the rent
Mietzinsforderung claim for the payment of rent
Mietzinsverlustversicherung rent insurance
Mietzuschuss rent supplement
Migranten ohne gültige Papiere undocumented foreign nationals
Migrationspolitische Instrumente für die Integration Zentralamerikas Migration Instruments for the Integration of Central America
Mikrochip – kontaktlos contactless chip
Mikrochip – kontaktlos contactless microchip
Mikrochip mit Kontakt contact microchip
mil Wartegeld half pay
Milchschwester foster sister
mildernde Umstände mitigating circumstances (fact or situation which does not justify or excuse an offense but does reduce the degree of liability or responsibility and may also reduce the damages (civil) or punishment (criminal))
mildernde Umstände extenuating circumstances
mildernde Umstände extenuation
mildernder Umstand mitigating circumstance
mildernder Umstand extenuating circumstance
Milderungsgrund mitigation cause