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Terms for subject Life sciences (18355 entries)
Markkürbis courgette
Markpflock stake for marking boundaries
Markscheide boundary of a mining field
Markscheidekunde mine surveying science
Markscheidekunde mining geodesy
Markscheider mine-surveyor
Markscheider underground surveyor
Markscheiderkompass hanging compass
Markscheiderstufe sign for a theodolite or compass station
Markscheiderzug underground traverse
Markstein boundary stone of a mining field
Marmel-Zitterrochen marbled electric ray
Marmor-Zitterrochen marbled electric ray
Marmorrochen undulate ray
Marschboden bog soil
Marschboden reclaimed fen soil
Marschboden reclaimed marsh soil
Marschboden boggy soil
Marschboden marshy soil
Marschkompass direction finding compass